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Flying Traveller

We are both at the airport in Vancouver right now-Chris is going to Hong Kong and I am going to Istanbul. As much as I would like to say we are more organized than the guy in the above picture* we do sometimes feel like this. Constantly on the way somewhere. We have lots of tricks we learned along the way that make things easier, but it’s still a lot to coordinate it all.

As some of you know, we have been renting the same apartment in Vancouver for the last three years or so. Over time they have become a little less appreciative of our business, so we decided to make a change. We tried out a new apartment this time and we like this one a lot better. Everything is better quality and cleaner, the apartment is slightly bigger, and the landlady is more pleasant to work with. We gave her all our dates through 2012 and hopefully she’ll be able to accommodate us.

Our flights have been a little complicated lately as well. Chris’ current itinerary:

Vancouver-Hong Kong

Hong Kong-Singapore


Bali-Istanbul (through Singapore and Hong Kong on the way back)

He will be teaching classes in all three locations; first time teaching yoga in Asia. Really looking forward to it.

I am going to Istanbul (through Toronto) to have two weeks off. I’m planning on sleeping, running (I think I will run the 8K for the Eurasia Marathon on the 16th), cooking and practicing lots of yoga. That’s the plan for now anyway. I’m really never truly off from work, just off from traveling.

Then we’ll meet back in Istanbul for the level one TT there.

All this in just two weeks!

* I absolutely love this sculpture. It is by Patrick Amiot and Brigitte Laurent, and it’s inside the domestic terminal at the Vancouver airport.

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