It’s only been three days and there is a lot to write about…
I am now on my computer sipping some coffee with this view right in front of me:
Not bad, eh?
We are in a small town called Menziken in Switzerland, staying with Stefanie‘s dad.
But before we got here, this was our schedule:
When I was looking for ticket from Vancouver to Zurich, I found out that if you fly out of Seattle instead of Vancouver, you pay about half the price. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to go to Seattle and meet the Anusara community there as well and bought the tickets.
We left Vancouver on Monday about 12pm with Amy; she was already going to Seattle and she offered to give us a ride. It was a pretty smooth & fast drive except for the 1 hour wait at the border. Everyone was driving to Seattle for some reason! We were chatting around, listening to Johnny Cash and enjoying the summer breeze on our faces.
We had booked the Westin in Seattle, and let me tell you; not a good choice at all! The hotel was very old and the room wasn’t clean at all. There was even trash on the floor! It was terrible. We left the bags, started walking around looking for this organic restaurant that was supposed to be at a hotel. When we found the restaurant it was at Hyatt Olive (not to be confused with the other Hyatt in Seattle), Chris went and checked the rooms while I was on the phone with AT&T adding a bigger international data plan on my phone and he said the rooms were about 200 times nicer.
So we checked into that hotel, went back to pick up our stuff from the Westin (they did say they would refund our money, which was nice), and dropped them off at our new LEED certified hotel! They even had a yoga room! Exciting.
We then went downstairs for some snacks.

Chris at Urbane
We then headed out to teach at Village Green Yoga in Issaquah.
Anusara Inspired teacher Jean owns the place and she was our host. We had a really good time.
After the class we were really hungry and went back to Urbane for some dinner, then straight to bed.
Our flight on Tuesday morning left at 8 am. We got up at 5 and headed to the airport.
After a long day of flights from Seattle to Toronto, then Toronto to Zurich, we are in paradise! Look at the carts at the airport:
And I thought I ate a lot of chocolate! =)
We picked up Stefanie’s mom’s car from the airport, drove to Luzern, which was beautiful, then to another smaller town called Menzike.
We had a practice, long fast walk, then went for some Italian food near by. Here are some more photos:

Garfield 3