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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: So how do you guys like traveling like this?
A: We like it so far. It has its challenges like trying to pack for different seasons, finding good hairdressers, doctors, etc. in different cities, packing so frequently, but we chose this, and we are happy so far.

Q: Where is your “base” base?
A: We don’t have a “base” base right now, but Istanbul is the closest thing to it. I basically have my extra shoes there. 🙂

Q: Where have you been since we saw you last?
A: Probably Istanbul, Paris, Vancouver and/or Zurich. Or maybe Hong Kong, Ankara or Bali.

Q: Where are you going next?
A: Probably Istanbul, Paris, Vancouver and/or Zurich. Or maybe Hong Kong, Ankara or Bali.

Q: It must be a really cool life?
A: Yeah, it is pretty cool.

Q: Do you miss LA?
A: Sometimes, some things about it. We miss our friends, the food, markets, etc. We are happy we did what we did though.

Q: How long have you been doing this for?
A: For about a year now.

Q: How long are you going to do this for?
A: We don’t have an end date yet.

Q: Where are you going to settle when you are done traveling?
A: No idea. We’ll see where this takes us to.

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